Henrich Bitting's Passport

The following text was taken from an article published July 7, 1882 in the newspaper The Schwenksville Item. The text describes the document used by Henrich Bitting to ensure safe passage for his family when they left Freinsheim, Germany in 1723. The article included the german text as well a translation by the author Henry S. Dotterer.

Mr. Peter Bitting, of New Hanover township, possesses a highly-prized treasure, in the original letter of recommendation given to his worthey ancestor by the authorities of Freinsheim, in the Rhenish Palatinate, upon the latter's departure from that place, in 1723, for Pennsylvania. He also has an extract from the parish register of the Evangelical Reformed church at Freinsheim, made by Rev. Johann Adam Schaeffer, at that time pastor, giving the dates of the birth and baptism of the children of Henry Bitting, the emigrant....

"We, the Chief Under-magistrate, Burgomaster and Councillor, of the municipality of Freinsheim, of the Electoral Palatinate, make known to all People: by virtue of this Letter, that on this day personally appeared before us, our fellow-citizen Hennerios Bitting and his wife Anna Catharine, and declared in due form their intention and design to remove with their children, their home and household effects from here, resolved to settle elsewhere, where their condition can be improved, he requests therefore to be furnished with a Trustworthy certificate of the fidelity which as a citizen, he has shown up to this time to the gracious government of this town, and of their voluntary departure and action to be used by them in case of need. Now, therefore, as the truthfulness of this allegation no one can either deny or gainsay, we cheerfully comply with the reasonable request and petition of the aforementioned citizen of this place, Hennerious Bitting: This we hereby declare publicly, as is our duty, that the said Hennerious Bitting, is by us discharged and released from his duties as a citizen and that he is at liberty to remove his family wither he pleases and his departure is free and open, and that he is not obligated of liable for personal service to any ruler, and that the above-mentioned Hennerious Bitting and his family, have, during their residence here conducted themselves in law-abiding and neighborly manner towards all persons, and he has always manifested and rendered to the government the respect which is due from an upright citizen, and there is not the least complaint against them; but we cheerfully wish them success in every lawful undertaking where ever they may be, and we therefore request each and everyone, both high and lowly, to extend to the said Hennerich Bitting and his family good will and kindly reception, in consideration of which we hold ourselves in readiness to return a like favor to such person according to their station in life. In witness whereof, and in further confirmation, we have affixed the seal of the Council and subscribed the same. Done at Freinsheim the 24th of April,1723.

[Sigel] Chur-Pfaltz Ober Unterschultheis Bürgermeister und Rath dahier

From Ruth Bitting Hamm's book Henrich (H-3) Bitting and his descendants 1672-2005

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